General Facility Rental Agreement & Information Form

For Members of The Pentecostals of York
Describe the reason you are renting out the facilities


1. Under no circumstances shall the facilities of The Pentecostals of York be rented to non-members or to members for non-member usage.

2. The renter must be a member of The P.O.Y. and must be in good standing with the church.

3. The P.O.Y. will not rent the facilities for outdoor events of any kind.

4. The P.O.Y. will not rent the facilities for baby showers.

5. The renter is required to be at the facility during the entire event and is required to enforce all necessary safety and sanitation standards. If the renter cannot be present for the entire event, they must assign a competent member of The P.O.Y. as a substitute to be present at all times. If an emergency arises and you will not be at the event, please report the name and mobile number of the person in charge to The P.O.Y. office staff. However, in the event of any issues, the renter will be held responsible.

6. If the event is not on The Pentecostals of York calendar, there will be no P.O.Y. announcements made concerning the event (including but not limited to over the pulpit, email, text, or social media).

7. There will be no reservation guarantee until The P.O.Y. office staff has received the $200.00 non-negotiable reservation/damage deposit fee and all rental fees. This amount must be paid in full two weeks prior to the event in order to lock in the reservation date, time of the event, and use of the kitchen (if applicable), and this fee will ensure that the entire facility is properly maintained. All bounced checks are subject to a $50 fee. If this fee is not paid there will be no checks or reservations accepted from the payer going forward.

8. All of the Facility Rental Policy terms must be fulfilled, and all checklists (including the Facility Condition Report) must be completed and returned to a P.O.Y. staff member or placed in the secretary’s drop box the same evening after the event in order for the reservation/damage deposit to be returned in full. If these items are not returned immediately after the event, we will assume that none of the items were completed. At this point the reservation/damage deposit will be forfeited and we will use the money to hire someone to complete the cleaning. Once everything is completed, please allow The P.O.Y. two weeks to return any monies due to you after you have complied with all clean-up requirements.

9. Church decorations, pictures, furniture, etc. are not allowed to be moved into or out of the foyer area. You can bring your own small tables and decorations to add to the foyer, but do not touch or move anything belonging to The P.O.Y. (including decorations sitting on tables/stands). Do not place your own decorations on The P.O.Y. tables and stands in the foyer.

10. We do not loan or rent out any church equipment for events outside of the church building. This includes but is not limited to: the hot dog roller grill, snow cone machine, sound equipment, tables, chairs, church props, decorations, and furniture.

11. We do not loan or rent out certain church items/equipment for rental events at the church. This includes but is not limited to: the hot dog roller grill, snow cone machine, church props, decorations, and most furniture.

12. We do not rent out the kitchen for usage for any events outside of the church building whether on the property or not.

13. Any items that are moved such as chairs, tables, tissue baskets, bottles of oil, tithe envelopes, pens, plants, etc. must be returned to their place of origin and in their original condition.

14. Before moving or unplugging any electronic items (cameras, speakers, monitors, and any other sound or video equipment), the oversight of the Technical Services Ministry must be obtained.

15. The renter is required to enforce all necessary safety and sanitation standards.

16. If renting the studio, the kitchenette restroom and/or Jr. Youth restroom should be used not the main foyer restrooms. Also, the kitchenette can be used free of charge, but must be completely cleaned afterwards.

17. All of the furniture, equipment, and facilities must be in satisfactory condition at the end of the event. The condition of these items will be determined by an appointed P.O.Y. staff member. Any damage to the furniture, equipment, or facilities is the renter’s sole responsibility. If any facility damages exceed the deposit amount, the renter will be expected to pay the difference in full.

18. If any items that come in a set should be broken (for example, one of a set of three mirrors on a wall) we reserve the right to charge you for the replacement of all three since it’s unlikely that we can find an exact match to replace just one.

19. Under no circumstances is the nursery allowed to be used before, during, or after any events that are not Pentecostals of York church-wide events.

20. Under no circumstances will alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs, or tobacco in any form (smoking, chewing, etc.) be allowed on The Pentecostals of York property (facilities, parking lot or surrounding area) during your event.

21. Only Christian songs/music should be played before, during, or after an event. Also, under no circumstances will dancing be allowed on The Pentecostals of York property.

22. Confetti and rice are not allowed to be thrown on the church facility grounds (indoors or outdoors). Any glitter from decorations or clothing must be completely cleaned off of all flooring, chairs, and furniture after the event.

23. Food, decorations, and miscellaneous items can be stored in the kitchen, refrigerator, freezer, and facilities for a maximum of one week prior to the event with permission from an appointed member of The P.O.Y. office staff (as long as there is room because your event may be close to a church event date and the refrigerator/freezers may be full already). All items must be clearly marked with the event name such as “Jones/Smith Party,” or they may end up being accidentally used or discarded. If any items are unaccounted for when you go to use them, The P.O.Y. will not be held responsible to replace them. Any items stored prior to the one-week limit or without permission may be discarded without notice.

24. If necessary, food, decorations, etc. can be stored at The P.O.Y. facilities for a maximum of one week after the event with permission from an appointed member of The P.O.Y. office staff (as long as there is room because your event may be close to a church event date and the refrigerator/freezers may be needed). All items must be clearly marked with the event name such as “Jones/Smith Party.” Any items stored after the one-week limit or without permission may be discarded without notice. If any items are unaccounted for when you go to pick them up, The P.O.Y. will not be held responsible to replace them.

25. If you were given permission to plug in an empty freezer for your event, unplug it and prop it open after all of your food items have been removed.

26. There is absolutely no frying allowed on the stovetop. The P.O.Y. kitchen usually has some small tabletop fryers available for use (if they are not available, you can bring your own). Another suggestion would be to bring your own outdoor propane fryer, and this would eliminate grease splatter on the tables, floor and surrounding areas that you will have to clean up.

27. If frying, you must provide your own oil. Do not pour any used oil down the sink drains, dump it in the yard, or pour it into the trash cans or pour it in the dumpster. Pour the oil back into the original oil container, take it home or seal it tightly and place it in the dumpster.

28. When you use the oven, you must cover the food with a lid or aluminum foil to prevent splatter.

29. The church will not supply food wraps (aluminum foil, plastic wrap, wax paper, baggies, etc.) or dining supplies (paper plates, paper cups, plastic ware, napkins, etc.). Please be sure to bring these items if you will be needing them.

30. The renter is required to ensure that every task is completed on the Kitchen Checklist prior to closing up the kitchen.

31. The renter is required to ensure that every task is completed on the Facilities Checklist prior to closing up the facilities.

32. After the event, an appointed P.O.Y. staff member will do a facilities walkthrough the next day. If there are any items on either the Facilities Checklist or the Kitchen Checklist that are not completed or need more attention, the renter will be contacted to make the necessary corrections. The amount of time we will allow for corrections will vary depending on The P.O.Y. calendar of upcoming events.

33. If any of the above policies are not adhered to and/or any areas of the facility are not cleaned properly, any or all parties involved may be denied use of the facilities and/or kitchen in the future and the reservation/damage deposit will be used to hire someone to complete the cleaning.
Clear Signature
I shall hold harmless, defend, and indemnify The Pentecostals of York, their leadership, their staff, their ministers, and members (collectively, The Pentecostals of York) from and against any and all liability, loss, damage, expense, costs (including without limitation costs, attorney’s fees, medical care and fees of litigation) of every nature arising out of, or in connection with, or relating to the use of the facility or its failure to comply with any of its obligations contained in this Agreement. The signature above indicates agreement to all of the terms and conditions clearly expressed within the Facility Rental Policy form.
Price: $200.00
All renters are required to provide this deposit which will be returned to you if there are no damages to the facilities and all terms and conditions are followed.
Price: $6.00